
  • hPark エイチ・パーク 店舗/仮縫い室 atelier hPark

    hPark エイチ・パーク
    店舗/仮縫い室 atelier hPark

    103-0001 東京都中央区日本橋小伝馬町17-5 「7ビル」 2階
    7Bldg. 2F, Nihombashi-kodemmacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0001

    営業日 : Twitter
    近況 : Instagram



Runway Shows & Installations


"Bakuro-cho marking project"
The project to create a connection between the traditional wholesale district and creators of the newcomer will express strong visual works and new possibilities.
hPark showed the persimmon colored turtleneck dress and the apple pattern dress.

2010 Installations

2009-10 Autumn & Winter

The show edited by people who act in CET area.
The work that has been worn is some designers and stylist's joint work.
hPark showed the past works , newly fake fur dress and rib knitted dress.

2009-10 Autumn & Winter

2009 Spring & Summer

"Wear a belt and braces"
The collection closed up to suspender that is wardrobe of men's wear.
The suspender goes in and out from clothes, and gives the new interpretation to a fit of the waist.

2009 Spring & Summer

2008 Spring & Summer

"The ivy mix"
College shirt and dress printed the graphic of private design by silk screen.
The silk screen was made by the photoengraving company in Minato-ku,Tokyo.

2008 Spring & Summer

2007-08 Autumn & Winter

Tailored jacket, overcoat or deck jacket and officer clothes of wool that got a hint from naval forces clothes in each country of Europe.
The production with men's wear sewing factory in Katsushika-ku,Tokyo.

2007-08 Autumn & Winter

2006 Spring & Summer

"The camouflage to dance"
Work wear made of cotton cloth with the camouflage pattern of private design.
Collaboration with advanced technology of the traditional dye company in Tokyo.
Accessories of the Coco Chanel style we requested to the writer are coordinated.

2006 Spring & Summer

Press & Contact


東京都中央区日本橋小伝馬町17-5  7ビル 2F
